

Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 3:29 PM

It's all smoke and mirrors in the latest episode of Lost entitled "Lighthouse." In this episode Jack smashes stuff and yells... which is awesome. It's official, say goodbye to the pacifist season five Jack, lets see what season six Jack has to offer, shall we?

Initial Thoughts: I think it's safe to say that the episodes just keep getting better. It's up in the air right now, but this might be my favorite episode of the season. Definitely the best Jack episode in a while. The flash-sideways was probably the most dynamic in the season. Not only was there a big WTF, but it also touched on some of Jack's daddy issues, which I felt was important. Speaking of which, I've been thinking a lot about Christian Shephard lately. Ever since season one, Christian has been a big mystery and his identity is still unclear. It would make sense that the MIB was just using his body for his own purposes until he became Locke, but I'm just not sure about that. It really could go either way. Claire said "My dad told me . . . and my friend," eluding to two different people. And in the flash-sideways Christian's body just happens to disappear? Seems weird to me. All I'm saying is that there will be something significant with Christian. That is all. 

Oh and another thing, has anyone else noticed that this season is paralleling season one? Take a look, the pilot was about all of the characters in general, just how LA X was. The second episode was a Kate-centric episode entitled Tabula Rasa (What Kate Did). Then Walkabout with Locke (The Substitute); The White Rabbit with Jack (Lighthouse); then an episode about Jin and Sun called House of the Rising Sun. I haven't read anything regarding the content of next weeks episode, but I guarantee it is going to be about the Kwon's, if it continues to follow this pattern. 

All right, lets get into Jack's alternate/not alternate reality (Damon and Carlton insist that it is not to be called an "alternate reality" because who is to say that either one of the realities are not the original). We start off with Jack changing his clothes in a hurry. He notices something, a scar. Later he asks his mom when he got his appendix take out, as if he didn't remember. This threw up some red flags for me. We know that Juliet removed Jack's appendix on the island in season four, and this scene seemed to be referencing that. But what is the significance? Is it one of those weird deja vu moments that will probably make perfect sense when it is all said and done? Hopefully. Now here's the real kicker of this flash, Jack has a son. This really threw me for a loop. Obviously, Jack did not have a son in previous seasons, so this was a shocker. The question is, who is the mother? Some say Juliet, others have even said Ana Lucia. My first thought was Sarah, Jack's ex-wife in the other world(?). But then I got to thinking about it, what if it was the Italian lady,Gabriela, that kissed Jack in "The Hunting Party?" It's a long shot, I know. But I'll be darn tootin' if they don't look alike. 

It turns out that David is a brilliant piano player and Jack didn't even know it. Good one, dad. There is a heart felt father-son moment and it seems that Jack could actually make a good dad if he tried a little harder. Not much else was revealed, other than Dogen happened to be at the very same recital with his son. Although I was hoping it would be Mr. Miyagi.

Apparently Tic Tac Toe is a good way to pass the time, as we see Hurley and Miles playing it on the island. Don't you guys know that in order to win at Tic Tac Toe, the other person has to be retarded? I thought that was common knowledge. As Hurley and Miles try to find something to eat, Hurley sees a familiar face near the fountain, Jacob. He says that someone is coming to the island (just as his dieing words were, "they're coming") and Hurley needs to help that person find it. After Hurley writes down some directions on his arm, he starts snooping around the temple when he is confronted by Dogen. Hurley tells Dogen that he is a candidate and can basically do whatever he wants. Dogen seems pretty pissed off and mutters something in Japaneses. I wonder what he said? Good thing I have some really nerdy buddies on Lostpedia, because they know. He said, "You are Lucky that you are protected. Because if you were not protected, I would cut your head off." My question is, why does Dogen seem to know all about the candidates while Richard is in the dark? Richard is seeming to be pretty useless these days. He doesn't know anything and no one really knows what he does. I'm am really looking forward for some light to be shed on the whole Richard story. Oh and a lot of people were wondering what it said on Hurley's arm, so I took the time to figure it out. 

Meanwhile, Claire is pulling a 'Jack Nicholson in The Shining' on that poor black Other. Get out while you can Jin! She's obviously gone nuts. Does she not remember that she is the one that left Aaron high and dry three years ago? Apparently not. Also, we find out that her "friend" is the MIB and that they seem to be in cahoots with each other. Claire must be able see MIB for his true from and know it's not Locke.

Hurley convinces Jack to go on an old-school adventure to help Jacob. Along the way they come across the caves they used to live in, way back in season one. Adam and Eve are still kickin' it just like they left them. Hurley plays the voice of the audience like he usually does and says something like "what if we time traveled way back to dinosaur times and these are our bodies?" Throw out the whole 'Adam and Eve are one of the Losties theory,' was the first thing I thought after the scene. I just couldn't see this being the case after Hurley blatantly said it.  But maybe that's what the writers want us to think. I don't know, what do you think?

Their journey takes them to a mysterious Lighthouse that somehow, no one has ever seen. I guess it is a big island, they find new stuff all of the time. In this lighthouse there are some mirrors used to reflect light and guide people to the island, or so they say. Hurley's instructions are to turn the mirrors to 108 degrees. While doing so, Jack sees an image reflected in the mirrors. The first image, as shown below, kind of looks like some sort of Asian building or karate dojo (left). It is uncertain what degree it was on when that image was shown. Jack insist that the mirrors are set to 23 degrees when he sees that his name is written beside it. He then sees the house in which he grew up (right).

Jack smashes the mirrors in a fit of rage. Jacob... what a peeping tom. He deserves to have his mirrors smashed. The one thing I really wanted to know after seeing this was, who was number 108? I really wanted it to be Desmond, that would've been cool if Jacob needed him to replace Locke's number 4 or something like that. But it turned out to be someone named Wallace. Who the heck is Wallace? Do you think it's someone we already know, someone we will meet, or is it irrelevant?  

The scene following this was classic. When Jacob suddenly appears and Hurley is some-what pissed off at him. "Jack broke your lighthouse dude! Mission UN-accomplished!" I laughed for a pretty long time at this scene. The whole dialog was great. I am really enjoying the Hurley/Jacob element to this season. 

Who is David's Mother?
Who is Adam and Eve?
Is the Christian we've been seeing on the island the MIB? 
Is there really someone coming to the island as Jacob said? 
Who is Wallace? 

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of  you own. 

Again, this was a great episode. They are drawing a line in the sand, and there has been a distinct division made. They are portraying Jacob to be the light side; lighthouse, wears light clothes, Etc. and MIB to be the Dark; dark cave, dark clothes, Etc. It seems obvious to me, but I could see the writers pulling the rug out from underneath us and doing the Kansas City Shuffle. Well, Sorry about the late post. This one's been a real doozy. Until next time, I'm Hurley and "I just lied to a samurai."

The Substitute


Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 10:57 PM

To hell with Dharma Beer, it's all about the Dharma Whiskey in the latest episode of Lost. In this Locke-centric episode entitled "The Substitute," new insights were revealed about Jacob, MIB and the numbers, along side some intense entertainment. Shall we discuss?

Initial Thoughts: This episode was leaps and bounds better than "What Kate Did." I was fairly positive it would be, nonetheless I was relieved when it was. If I were to rate this episode, I'd give it a 23 or maybe a 42. I think the whole MIB storyline is probably the most intriguing part of Lost right now. In my opinion the personification of the smoke monster was a brilliant idea. It's not the island's ghost or nano technology, it's human... or at least used to be. To be quite honest, during past seasons, I thought the monster wasn't going have much to do with the end story. Boy was I wrong. Second of all, I think this episodes flash-sideways was actually quite entertaining. I was semi on the fence with the whole idea, but this episode made me think twice. It has a similar feel to that of the first season, where they did a lot of character building. I like it. As far as it connecting to the island timeline, I think I'm just going to take it for what it's worth and stop worrying about it. Also, I know that sooner or later it will connect, and this being the last season, I really want it to surprise me. So as for now I'm not even going to touch parallel universe theories. M'kay?

John Locke doing an Evil Kneivel out of his van was super funny to me. I'm sorry, but it was. I hope I'm not the only one who thought so. Anyhoo, the sprinklers come on and it's a lot like the first season when Locke is basking in the rain. Later Helen says something to John about having his dad come to the wedding or something like that. Also on his desk at work there's a picture of Locke with good old Anthony Cooper (see image below). It seems that John has a better relationship with his dad in the flash-sideways, which begs the question, how would blowing up the island do this? Even the "Jacob's touch" theory (mentioned by Darth Vader Don in the comment section) is under question because Jacob didn't touch Locke until after his dad pushed him out of the building. And then there's Ben and... Ah crap, timeline theory... moving on. Generally Locke seems to be pretty happy in this timeline. He even accepts that he can't do some things. Although part of me still misses the man of faith. Oh, and Randy's still a douche.

Here's another easter egg you might have noticed. The lady that interviews Locke for a job, (the first lady, not Rose) was the psychic in the episode "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" were Hurley's dad take's him to convince him he's not cursed. It seems that they are bringing back everyone single actor that has ever been on Lost. I'm Serious. Mark my words, Nikki and Paulo are going to be in a Flash-sideways sooner or later. Mark em'!

Alrighty, on the island some weird shiz is going down. For example Sawyer is binge drinking and listening to Iggy Pop and the Stooges. Crazy, I know. He joins up with the MIB and they embark on a magical journey. So first off, a kid appears out of nowhere with blood on his hands and again later to tell MIB that he broke the rules and he wasn't supposed to kill him. This kid is weird. Who is it? I think the most obvious answer is young Jacob judging by his appearance. But it's seems almost too obvious. Another theory I've heard it that it's an older Aaron. Who knows. What do you think?

MIB and Sawyer continue their journey to a cave on the side of a cliff where MIB is supposedly going to answer all of his questions. The scene where they are descending the cliff on the ladder is super intense. I thought Sawyer was going to die. That or I secretly hoped that MIB was going to turn into the smoke monster,  fly up and save Sawyer. Then they would fly high into the sky just like this [only imagine sawyer flying smokie] "Faster Smokie, faster!"

This is where things get interesting. Inside the cave there is a room with names written all over the walls and ceiling. MIB says that the names on the walls are candidates. They are people who Jacob chose, that he thinks could eventually take over his position in protecting the island. Just like Willy Wonka. Whether MIB is telling the truth or not, I have a feeling there is more to the story than this. What intrigued me the most is the numbers. In front of all the main candidates names was a number. You guessed it, the numbers. The names and numbers went as follows. 4-Locke8-Reyes15-Ford16-Jarrah23-Shephard42-Kwon.* This gives a little insight on the origin of the numbers, though I don't believe this is the last we'll see of them. And what about Kate? Why is her name not up there? And is it Sun or Jin Kwon? Jack or Christian? I'm pretty sure it's Jack, but that would be trippy if it wasn't. There are other names on the wall that are scratched out and have different numbers that are not part of the Valenzetti equation. 

Something I read earlier has really stuck out to me with regards to the whole Jacob MIB game. If what MIB said was true about Jacob "pushing" the losties/numbers to the island, then this whole thing is exactly like the swan hatch. Think about it. MIB tells sawyer that he has three choices. 1) Do nothing 2) Accept the job 3) Just leave. In essence, those were the choices Kelvin, Desmond or any other that worked in the hatch had. Don't push the button, push the button, or leave. MIB says that it's just an island and their is nothing to protect. Well I beg to differ. Real Locke also said this before, it's just a button, it's doesn't need to be pushed. Well he was wrong.  

1. Who is the little boy?
2. Why isn't Kate's name on the wall?
3. Who's the Kwon?
4. Is the MIB telling the truth about Jacob?

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of your own.

Again, this was a superb episode. Terry O'Quinn is doing some excellent acting as both the MIB and Locke as well as the rest of the cast. There are still a lot of things that just don't add up right now, and there is a whole lot that is on my mind that I just can't find time to put on paper.But these are the main points. I can't talk about everything so if there is something you think needs to be addressed, tell me. Some of you already have. Thanks for all the input. Until next time, I'm Sawyer and "I guess I better put on some pants." 

*Edit:  According to  Lostpedia, these are some of the other names that were on the cave wall. 

10MATTINGLYProbably the US army soldier whose uniform was stolen and used by an Other in 1954.
20ROU?Probably Alex Rousseau or Danielle Rousseau.
29BRENNANProbably the Brennan from the science expedition.
31RUTHERFORDProbably Shannon Rutherford.
33MARTINProbably Karl Martin.
42KWONSun-Hwa Kwon and Jin-Soo Kwon both met Jacob when during their wedding when he congratulated them and advised them to keep their promises. Both were touched by Jacob simultaneously notably on their shoulders. The Man in Black indicated one of them was a candidate but was unable to identify which one. KWON may also refer to Ji Yeon Kwon, the daughter of Sun and Jin, who was conceived on the Island.
55BURKEProbably Juliet. Her death occurred after Jacob's, so her name would have to have been crossed-off before her death or after her death by Flocke. Could also be her late ex-husband,Edmund Burke.
90TROUPEProbably Gary Troup, a deceased survivor and author of Bad Twin
117LINUSProbably Ben Linus, or his father Roger Linus
147LEWISProbably Charlotte Lewis, or her parents David and Jeanette.
171STRAUMEProbably Miles Straume.
195PACEProbably Charlie Pace.
233JONESProbably the US army soldier whose uniform was stolen and used by Charles Widmore in 1954.
285JENKINSProbably Steve Jenkins, a survivor who died in the flaming arrow attack.
301MARSProbably Edward Mars, a survivor who died shortly after crash.
313LITTLETONProbably Claire or Aaron.
317CUNNINGHAMProbably the US army soldier whose uniform was stolen and used by an Other in 1954.
321FERNANDEZProbably Nikki Fernandez who was on board Oceanic Flight 815 but later killed.
335HENDERSONProbably Rose Nadler, the only known Henderson (maiden name).
761FARADAYProbably Daniel Faraday.
CHANGProbably Pierre or LaraMiles is separately listed under Straume.
GOODSPEEDProbably one of the many of Goodspeeds, who include HoraceAmyOlivia, and Ethan.
LACOMBEProbably the Lacombe from the science expedition.
PICKETTProbably Danny Pickett or Colleen Pickett.
SULLIVANProbably Sullivan, a survivor who died in the flaming arrow attack.
...ZKIPossibly Stuart Radzinsky or George Minkowski.

What Kate Does


Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 10:59 PM

Episode 3 of Lost's final season aired Tuesday night entitled "What Kate Does." And what does Kate do, you ask? Run, run, bat her eyes and run some more. Typical Kate centric episode.  But really, your guess is as good as mine on this one. What does she do?

Initial Thoughts: To be honest, I was a little let down with this episode.  It answered few questions and the pace was slower than Hurley sitting on a turtle while that turtle was trying to run a marathon. It might just be that after last weeks hard hitting episode, anything would seem slow. I'm not a Kate-hater, in fact, I don't think I'm an anyone-hater on the show. But this episode really didn't give me my Lost fix for the week. There is a battle going on right now between all of the WKD haters and the WKD likers on the fan forums. It's getting pretty ridiculous. I feel like quitting the LostPedia because of all the trash talk. Anyways, there was some good things about this episode, so lets get on to them.

First off, Sayid is alive. And by the looks of it, he is himself. Not Jacob, not Locke, not Frogurt... At least as far as we know. Although he does seem a bit different. Maybe it's just me, but his accent seems really weird. It probably doesn't have to do with anything, but it was kind of bugging me. Also he doesn't seem like the bad A MF'er we've always known. Rather he seems kinda wussy when he was getting "tested" by Dogen AKA Genghis Khan, which is sad to say. We find out that Sayid is "infected" or has "darkness" inside him. Now this goes back to Rousseau and the French team, which we'll talk about later. 

In the flash-sideways we see a bunch of Kate on the run action. Meh. Kate puts a gun to Claire's head and then Claire says "wanna be best friends?" The most interesting part of this whole flash was seeing Dr. Ethan Goodspeed at the hospital where Claire was going into labor. Notice that his name was Goodspeed and not Rom. Interesting. I also liked when he said, "I don't want to stick you with any needles if I don't have to." So far nothing is connecting between the flash-sideways and the island timeline, except for brief deja vu moments when characters seem to know one another. But I have faith they will connect somehow. 

Sawyer seemed pretty pissed off at the world. He takes a gun and runs away. One thing I'm going to write down, just in case it actually happens, is when Sawyer was ripping out the floor boards in New Otherton, he pulled out a box and then took out what looked like a little black bag. The first thing I thought about was a little black bag that was found on the Adam and Eve corpses. Later it shows that it was a ring and he was going to propose to Juliet. But you never know, maybe there was some stones in that bag... Just sayin'. On a side note, I think Josh Holloway had an excellent episode. Probably some of his best acting in the whole series.

Finally we get to something that has been anticipated for a while. That is, Claire's return. Dogen tells Jack that his sister, Claire, also has this said sickness. When we finally see her in the last scene of the episode, she is looking pretty Rousseau-esque. Clousseau. Going back to the sickness which Rousseau talked about, she said that her whole team got sick and that's why she killed them. But was her team really sick or was she the one that had the sickness, just like Claire apparently does.

Now this was the best/worst part of the episode. Aldo. Rob McElhenney. Mac. If you are unfamiliar with the TV series It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, first off I would highly recommend watching it.  It is definitely my favorite comedy on TV. Way back in season 3 of Lost, Rob McElhenney, one of the stars and co-creator of Sunny, appeared for a brief time only to get the "Wookie prisoner gag" pulled on him. Well, he was back in this episode and more Aldo than ever. As much as I respect Rob McElhenney, I just could not take him seriously. I have seen every episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, some multiple times, and I couldn't help but think that Green Man was going to come running out of the jungle and kick someone in the nuts. So Mac, here's to you. Keep up with Sunny, but I'll just say it was a good thing you died in Lost. 

What is the Sickness?
Would the pill actually kill Sayid?
What's up with Claire?

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of your own.

Well that's about all I can spit out for now. Over all, What Kate Does wasn't the worst episode I've seen, but it definitely wasn't the best. It can only go uphill from here... Right? Until next time, I'm Doc Arzt and "Hey! I'm walkin' here!"



Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 10:11 PM

Lost has done it again. That's right, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have raised the bar yet again. After Tuesdays season premiere, all I can say is, WTF? I said in my last post that I really had no idea where they were going, well that might have been an understatement.

We open to Jack sitting on, what appears to be, Oceanic flight 815, September 22, 2004.  For the most part, things on the flight seemed normal, just as they were in the very first episode. But then we see that Jack has longer hair, he receives one bottle of alcohol instead of two, and Rose is the one who comforts him rather than vice-versa. Oh, and the big one, the plane didn't crash! This is where it got crazy. As the camera leaves the plane and out towards the ocean we find out that the island is under water.

I immediately thought "this has to be a dream or something." I didn't want the reset theory to be right. But then the next scene we see that the 1977 losties traveled to 2007, or the present, where the plane did crash and their plan didn't work. So, either their is two different timelines or the writers are really messing with us.

Initial Thoughts - Although I did call it, some-what, when I said they might do a what-would've-happened flash, (hence forward to be called "flash-sideways") it was more of a backup than a prediction. I was just as blown aways as everyone else. I really like the idea of the flash-sideways. I find it entertaining and interesting to see the characters in a different light. The only thing I'm worried about is how they are going to tie it in to the island timeline. They have to. It would seem like a lot of wasted time just to show us a what-would've-happened scenario, just for fun. I'm confident that they will tie it in somehow, but how? For now, it seems to be that the bomb did work, but the original timeline can't cease to exist, therefore making two.

Juliet somehow survived the fall, time-jump and being buried in the swan hatch to tell Sawyer that they should get coffee sometime just before she died. This whole scene is all very reminiscent of when Desmond turned the failsafe key. When Desmond turned the key everyone ended up in weird places and had a hard time hearing. They same thing occurred when Juliet hit the bomb, except they traveled to the future.

We now know that Locke, Flocke, MIB, Esau or whatever you want to call him, is the smoke monster. The first thing that came to my mind was the drawing Locke did when he was a child. Foreshadowing his future takeover?

The Temple has been a place that has been talked about for three seasons now. It was good to finally see it. They seem to be Super-Others at The Temple or something to that effect. They introduce a couple new characters there, we'll just call them Genghis Khan and John Lennon until we find out their real names. Genghis Khan looks like he'd karate chop the freak out of a weaselly Ben Linus if he ever tried to give him orders, just like he did to Jack. So it's hard to see him part of the other Others. Ya dig? And in the temple there is a fountain (which looked like it was filled with root-beer) that was used to heal Sayid... or did it?

Theories -
I really don't have any theories besides the ones explained above. Actually I probably do, but I'm just tired. Maybe I'll edit something later.

Questions - 
1. Why is the island under water?
2. Why is Desmond on the plane?
3. Was Juliet flashing through time or timelines before she died?
4. And what did she mean by "It worked"?
5. Was the ash around Jacob's Cabin meant to keep MIB in or out?
6. Is Sayid really alive? Or is it someone else?
7. What did Flocke mean when he asked Richard "It's good to see you out of those chains."

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of your own.

Over all this episode was excellent. Probably one of my favorite premieres of all the seasons. I like where they are going with the flash-sideways and the good vs. evil drama on the island. I thought that they might slow things down this last season and basically do an answering questions season, but so far there is no sign of that and that's how I like it. Until next time, I'm Hurley and I've got a gun and know how to use it.

P.S. Here are some things that have caught my attention the last couple of days. Hope you enjoy.

The Beginning of the End


Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 2:39 PM

Today is the day, gang. The day we've all been waiting for. It's been a long eight and a half months, but the hiatus is finally over. There really is no other way to describe my excitement other than saying, I am giddy as a school girl. Shameful, I know. But shame is something I checked at the door a long time ago. I assume most fans would make similar statements. Some call us crazy, others might say we're annoying. But I say... eh you're probably right.

Lost: The Final Season airs tonight, and it really is The Beginning of the End. In a lot of ways it's sad. I don't want it to end, but I know it's for the best. It's like sending a kid off to college (well, I imagine. I don't have kids, but roll with me on this one). It's hard because they are leaving your house for good, but they are better off there. It had to happen sometime. So while it is coming to an End, it's a bitter sweet one.

I finished re-watching season 5 Sunday, and there were some things I had forgotten about, not much, but some things. For example, I had forgotten that Charles Widmore was Daniel Faraday's dad. Minuscule? Perhaps, but you never can tell. But the big question is, where is this season going to start? As we all know, season 5 ended with a bang, literally. As the survivors of 815 attempted to "reset time" by detonating a hydrogen bomb at the Swan station. In theory this would make their flight never crash on the Island 27 years in the future. The very last scene, we see an F'ed up Juliet at the bottom of the Swan hole. She struggles but ends up hitting the H-bomb with a rock and.... Boom, cut to LOST. The ongoing debate since May has been whether or not their plan worked. Did they actually reset time? Or did they cause The Incident they were trying to prevent? Despite all of the teaser trailers and promos for season 6, I believe that the detonation was indeed The Incident. There is just too much story line on the Island to get rid of in a flash. In all reality the episode was called The Incident. But that's just my theory and I'm prepared for it to be proven wrong. I could also see them doing some sort of different timeline story telling. Or a what-would've-happened flash. I don't know, tell me what you think in the comment section.

I can honestly say that I have no idea where they are going with the last season. Every season I have  been unsure what was going to happen, but most of the time I had a general idea what was coming up. This time, nothing. That is why I am particularly excited to see how it all ends. All right, that's about enough. I'm sure I'll be back commenting on how my mind has been blown. We'll see. Until next time, happy Lost watching.