Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 10:11 PM

Lost has done it again. That's right, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have raised the bar yet again. After Tuesdays season premiere, all I can say is, WTF? I said in my last post that I really had no idea where they were going, well that might have been an understatement.

We open to Jack sitting on, what appears to be, Oceanic flight 815, September 22, 2004.  For the most part, things on the flight seemed normal, just as they were in the very first episode. But then we see that Jack has longer hair, he receives one bottle of alcohol instead of two, and Rose is the one who comforts him rather than vice-versa. Oh, and the big one, the plane didn't crash! This is where it got crazy. As the camera leaves the plane and out towards the ocean we find out that the island is under water.

I immediately thought "this has to be a dream or something." I didn't want the reset theory to be right. But then the next scene we see that the 1977 losties traveled to 2007, or the present, where the plane did crash and their plan didn't work. So, either their is two different timelines or the writers are really messing with us.

Initial Thoughts - Although I did call it, some-what, when I said they might do a what-would've-happened flash, (hence forward to be called "flash-sideways") it was more of a backup than a prediction. I was just as blown aways as everyone else. I really like the idea of the flash-sideways. I find it entertaining and interesting to see the characters in a different light. The only thing I'm worried about is how they are going to tie it in to the island timeline. They have to. It would seem like a lot of wasted time just to show us a what-would've-happened scenario, just for fun. I'm confident that they will tie it in somehow, but how? For now, it seems to be that the bomb did work, but the original timeline can't cease to exist, therefore making two.

Juliet somehow survived the fall, time-jump and being buried in the swan hatch to tell Sawyer that they should get coffee sometime just before she died. This whole scene is all very reminiscent of when Desmond turned the failsafe key. When Desmond turned the key everyone ended up in weird places and had a hard time hearing. They same thing occurred when Juliet hit the bomb, except they traveled to the future.

We now know that Locke, Flocke, MIB, Esau or whatever you want to call him, is the smoke monster. The first thing that came to my mind was the drawing Locke did when he was a child. Foreshadowing his future takeover?

The Temple has been a place that has been talked about for three seasons now. It was good to finally see it. They seem to be Super-Others at The Temple or something to that effect. They introduce a couple new characters there, we'll just call them Genghis Khan and John Lennon until we find out their real names. Genghis Khan looks like he'd karate chop the freak out of a weaselly Ben Linus if he ever tried to give him orders, just like he did to Jack. So it's hard to see him part of the other Others. Ya dig? And in the temple there is a fountain (which looked like it was filled with root-beer) that was used to heal Sayid... or did it?

Theories -
I really don't have any theories besides the ones explained above. Actually I probably do, but I'm just tired. Maybe I'll edit something later.

Questions - 
1. Why is the island under water?
2. Why is Desmond on the plane?
3. Was Juliet flashing through time or timelines before she died?
4. And what did she mean by "It worked"?
5. Was the ash around Jacob's Cabin meant to keep MIB in or out?
6. Is Sayid really alive? Or is it someone else?
7. What did Flocke mean when he asked Richard "It's good to see you out of those chains."

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of your own.

Over all this episode was excellent. Probably one of my favorite premieres of all the seasons. I like where they are going with the flash-sideways and the good vs. evil drama on the island. I thought that they might slow things down this last season and basically do an answering questions season, but so far there is no sign of that and that's how I like it. Until next time, I'm Hurley and I've got a gun and know how to use it.

P.S. Here are some things that have caught my attention the last couple of days. Hope you enjoy.

Comments (10)

i want to know why in the flash sideways shannon didnt get on the plane. I know boone told us she didnt want to leave the situation. but how does the plane not crashing change anything? I think we have too look deeper into this. Something happened before the plane crashed to make everything work out the way it did. Or everyone would of been on the plane acting like they did on sept 22.

Also I believe in the next episode they go after the kate questions that were brought up in "what kate did" like the black horse. and her hearing her father through sawyer (i had forgotten this).

Yeah I like that idea. It'll be interesting to see "What Kate Does."
And as far as we know Micheal and Walt aren't on the plane either. But if you think about it, if the swan hatch doesn't get built, then the numbers are never passed around and Hurley never has bad luck. There has to be something like this with the rest of them. The Butterfly Effect.

Dude I forgot about that drawing man. Thats crazy. Ya I agree with you about the butterfly effect. I think that maybe the swan getting blown up could have had some affect on the electromagnetic pocket there and caused the island to sink possibly. Oh and I totally was thinking that too about Sayid. Hope its really him, but it could be like Jacob. That'd be weird. I doubt thats the last we've seen of Jacob, and not just through Hurley I bet. Freaking amazing season opener can't wait for the next episode.

Sayid is different somehow, I think that's obvious. But a lot of people are saying it's Jacob and I don't know how I feel about that.

So I give props to the writers didn't really know how they would pull it off, and even had my doubts. But I stand corrected and will forever be in shock during this season. So now that the "smoke" is cleared up and finally a little insight to who the heck richard is, it seems Jacob needs some explaining. With his foresight of the loophole he didn't seem to want to live very badly at the end of the fifth, so I'm a little puzzled with him. Pretty psyched on the sideways-flashes and kate is so predictable, but then again so is Jack with his good heart reaching out to the crippled John. Their lives have intertwined so far, no reason to stop. But Sayid, "won't be the same" like richard said to kate when he took little ben.

Oh yeah totally like the Genghis Khan and John Lennon tag you put on the two "Super-Others"

I thought that the season opener was really good to get everyone back into the spirit of Lost. The biggest thing that caught be off guard was that the island is now under water! I guess if you think about them being in 1977 and then changing the future there could have been a whole tone of things that changed. For example what if Ben or someone else went to the bottom of the orchid and turned the wheel to move the island already and it got moved underwater. It almost seems like the island must have been underwater at one time or the Black Rock ship would never have been able to get so far inland. Thinking of the time line countless number of thing could have happened in the 27 year gap in the time line. Also I thought that is was interesting that they brought in the black ash in this episode that apparently the smoke monster can't pass over. Come to think of it wasn't there a circle of black ash surrounding Jacob's cabin? If so then for some reason Jacob was scared of the smoke monster and with the smoke monster being the protector of the island that would lead me to believe that the island doesn't want Jacob there for some reason. Another theory that might be kind of radical is that Richard was one of the slaves on the Black Rock ship and that's why flock said that it was good to see him out of chains... just a thought. I can't wait to see how everything ties in with the rest of the season it should be pretty freaking sweet.

Like most people, I too am still unclear on who is good, Jacob or the MIB? and Richard could very well be from the black rock. That or Flocke could've meant what he said figuratively, like "good to see you're finally freed from Jacob's chains..." or something like that.

Something interesting I was just reading said that one reason they might have put a space in LA X (regularly LAX when referring to the airport) might have to do with a popular Marvel comic book series called Earth X. In the series the X signifies a parallel universe.

A theory about the ash around Jacob's cabin and MIB. He obviously can possess bodies that come to the island dead already, John. Now think of his judging aspect, Ben, and then way back mr echo and and monster. Emel came to the island dead so that could have been MIB. And then there is Christian. He came to the island dead and then was a little undead. He lures Claire and gets her to disturb the ash to the cabin (thats why they burnt it) so he can go in and speak on Jacob's behalf to tell John to move the island so he can possess Johns body when he comes back and then kill Jacob.
I like the LA X jason. I agree, LAX is the destination but the space could be like what they have to go through to get the X the destination, like on most treasure maps, or get back to the parallel universe.

Wow. I really like the, getting Claire to brake the ash, idea. Brilliant.

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