Ab Aeterno


Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 6:00 PM

Get ready to meet El Diablo, it's Spanish for fighting chicken or someting. I hope you all brushed up on your Spanish, because in last week episode of LOST entitled "Ab Aeterno," you'll need it. Shall we discuss?

Initial Thoughts: Wow. This episode was good. I might even say reeeeaaal good. LOST fans have been waiting for this episode for three seasons now, at least I have, and boy did it not disappoint. Richard Alpert has been one of the most mysterious characters the entire show and after this episode, I feel like I know him pretty well. I was very happy to hear the flashback "whooosh" sound rather that the flashsideways "wawawawawwhoop" sound. Not that I don't like the flashsideways, I just needed a break from them. And not only that, almost the whole episode was a flashback, which I think gave us more info than if they cut back and forth like they usually do. Nestor Carbonell did a great job acting, his Spanish accent seemed really good. I guess he is of Cuban decent so apparently he sounded like a Cuban, but I couldn't tell, it all sounded good to me. I've been waiting for a little more information on the Jacob/MIB conflict and this episode gave me that. I'm pretty excited to see where it goes from here.

We started off with a previous scene of Jacob talking to Ilana in a hospital. Jacob tells Ilana that Richard is the only person that knows what to do. What struck me about this scene is that Ilana says something to Jacob like "what do I do after I take them to the temple?" Was it just a backup plan if he died? Or did he know he was a gonner? I submit that he did.

The flashback takes us to Tenerife, Canary Islands 1867, where Richardo Alpert is trying desperately to save his wifes life. In the process he accidentally kills a man and races home only to find that his wife didn't make it. Richardo is put into prison and then sold into slavery. Guess where he ends up? The Black Rock. Shocker. I think we all called that. 

While on The Black Rock, a storm hits. One of the slaves sees the island and the statue and thinks that the Devil is guarding the island, or something like that. The next thing you know the ship is flying towards the statue Taweret on a huge tidal wave. 

The ship wrecked a mile inland, and MIB later tells Richardo that his ship did indeed brake it. Well, I'd like to think that it was the giamongous tidal wave that did most of the damage. It's just hard for me to believe that not only did the ship stay mostly intact after crashing a mile inland on an island, but before it did that, it toppled down a hundred foot plus statue. Either that or it was just really poorly built and The Black Rock really does stand up for it's name. 

Dr. Linus


Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 10:30 PM

Cheese curds... Oh yeah, umh... ... In the lastest episode of Lost entitled
"Dr. Linus," there are some bombs, some Bens and some blackmail. Here we go. 

Initial Thoughts: This episode was probably one of the most dramatic episodes since season one, at least that I can remember. There wasn't a whole lot revealed and it didn't really have many "shockers" until the end. But the acting and the internal struggle of Ben was unmatched. When the writers said that this season was going to be similar to the style of season one, I really didn't know how they were going to do that.  But this episode was a really good example of how they did, especially at the end when they went into slow-motion piano playing mode. I almost shed a single tear. 

In the Flash sideways we had already known that Ben Linus was a school teacher from "The Substitute," but that was about it. Ben apparently has a doctorate in modern European history, or something like that. So it's DR. Linus, please show some respect. Alex is one of Ben's best student's for some strange reason, and he helps her study for the AP test.  Some shady biz-nas went down in the sick room and Alex tells Ben about it. Time for scheming Ben to take charge and capitalize on the situation. What I liked about this is that Ben was basically in the same situation when Alex died on the island, except to a lessor degree. Ben could either try to call the principals bluff and risk "torching" Alex, or he could step down and lose power. We all know that on the island Ben tried to call Keamy's bluff and that didn't work out to great for him. It was good to see him make the right decision in this flash sideways. 

Meanwhile on the island, Ben is put into custody by Ilana after Miles uses his psychic skills and finds out that Ben did kill Jacob. Ilana makes quite a clever contraption to tie Ben up to a tree and then forces him to dig his own grave. That is a bummer. I would probably just have them kill me if someone told me to dig my own grave. Anyway, out of nowhere appears Locke. Or as I'm going to refer to him as in this episode, Darth Locke. Darth Locke uses the force and frees Ben from his leash and tells him to meet him on the Hydra island, where they are planning their escape. Ben escapes, but chooses to stay with team Jacob.

These are not the Losties you're looking for.

On the other side of the island, Jack and Hurley run into good ol' Richard Alpert. Richard seems to be having a hard day. He wan'ts to die, but can't. He says that because Jacob touched him (Jacob is sounding more and more like a pervert with every episode. First peeping tom and now this.) his touch is considered a gift and he can't die. They travel to the black rock where Richard plans on blowing himself up. They don't go right out and say it, but it is implied that Richard came from the black rock, most likely as a slave. Hence the, "good to see you out of those chains" comment from MIB. No huge surprise but yet not clear yet. Jack takes this opportunity to show how bad A he is, with an old fashion show-down... dynamite style. 

Jack wins the show-down, I guess, and Richard's faith is slightly restored. Obviously Jack has a purpose on the island. They decide to start from where they came from, the beach. They are then reunited with Ben, Frank, Ilana and crew. This was a very happy scene. Happy music, happy hugging, and happy dancing probably. But this is Lost and they can never end on a happy note. Just as you thought the episode was over, no, wait, something pokes out of the ocean and starts spying on the Losties. I honestly thought it was going to be the terminator in the sub, but it was our good old buddy Charles Widmore.

Questions: After this episode there are only a few questions on my mind. So basically none of the candidates can die? What the heck? So they could never die the whole time we've know them? Or is it just Jack that can't die? Because Dogen seemed to think he could when he tried to swallow that pill. Also, Sayid seemed pretty much dead at one point and he's a candidate. Or is that why he didn't die? Another question is when Ben talked to his dad in the FS and they talked about being on the island. Well we are lead to believe that the incident was the cause of the fork in the timeline, which seems likely because Ben was about 14 when the incident happened. But then why did he leave? 

As I stated before, this really was a dramatic episode. I've always been a fan of Ben, so it was good to see him get some redemption. And I just loved seeing him scurry into the jungle while Ilana was chasing him. Classic. Well, that's all for this week folks. Until next time, I'm Miles Straume and I am now a rich son of a gun.



Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 9:14 PM

Well I slacked on this week, folks... My bad. Don't worry, it won't happen again.

All I have to say about this episode is...

The end scene was pretty epic... Yes, epic.
Here's a refresher.