Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 6:00 PM
Get ready to meet El Diablo, it's Spanish for fighting chicken or someting. I hope you all brushed up on your Spanish, because in last week episode of LOST entitled "Ab Aeterno," you'll need it. Shall we discuss?
Initial Thoughts: Wow. This episode was good. I might even say reeeeaaal good. LOST fans have been waiting for this episode for three seasons now, at least I have, and boy did it not disappoint. Richard Alpert has been one of the most mysterious characters the entire show and after this episode, I feel like I know him pretty well. I was very happy to hear the flashback "whooosh" sound rather that the flashsideways "wawawawawwhoop" sound. Not that I don't like the flashsideways, I just needed a break from them. And not only that, almost the whole episode was a flashback, which I think gave us more info than if they cut back and forth like they usually do. Nestor Carbonell did a great job acting, his Spanish accent seemed really good. I guess he is of Cuban decent so apparently he sounded like a Cuban, but I couldn't tell, it all sounded good to me. I've been waiting for a little more information on the Jacob/MIB conflict and this episode gave me that. I'm pretty excited to see where it goes from here.
We started off with a previous scene of Jacob talking to Ilana in a hospital. Jacob tells Ilana that Richard is the only person that knows what to do. What struck me about this scene is that Ilana says something to Jacob like "what do I do after I take them to the temple?" Was it just a backup plan if he died? Or did he know he was a gonner? I submit that he did.
The flashback takes us to Tenerife, Canary Islands 1867, where Richardo Alpert is trying desperately to save his wifes life. In the process he accidentally kills a man and races home only to find that his wife didn't make it. Richardo is put into prison and then sold into slavery. Guess where he ends up? The Black Rock. Shocker. I think we all called that.
While on The Black Rock, a storm hits. One of the slaves sees the island and the statue and thinks that the Devil is guarding the island, or something like that. The next thing you know the ship is flying towards the statue Taweret on a huge tidal wave.
The ship wrecked a mile inland, and MIB later tells Richardo that his ship did indeed brake it. Well, I'd like to think that it was the giamongous tidal wave that did most of the damage. It's just hard for me to believe that not only did the ship stay mostly intact after crashing a mile inland on an island, but before it did that, it toppled down a hundred foot plus statue. Either that or it was just really poorly built and The Black Rock really does stand up for it's name.
Jason your blog looks great...sadly, it did nothing for my desires in watching the movie!! Way to go on keeping people up to date on the drama that television brings into our lives!! Well, from what I hear this thing is never going to end. Jason, good choice of words throughout your blog..giamongous, kudos my friend. I have not heard that word for a long time and I like it!