
Posted by Jason Moffat | Posted in | Posted on 3:29 PM

It's all smoke and mirrors in the latest episode of Lost entitled "Lighthouse." In this episode Jack smashes stuff and yells... which is awesome. It's official, say goodbye to the pacifist season five Jack, lets see what season six Jack has to offer, shall we?

Initial Thoughts: I think it's safe to say that the episodes just keep getting better. It's up in the air right now, but this might be my favorite episode of the season. Definitely the best Jack episode in a while. The flash-sideways was probably the most dynamic in the season. Not only was there a big WTF, but it also touched on some of Jack's daddy issues, which I felt was important. Speaking of which, I've been thinking a lot about Christian Shephard lately. Ever since season one, Christian has been a big mystery and his identity is still unclear. It would make sense that the MIB was just using his body for his own purposes until he became Locke, but I'm just not sure about that. It really could go either way. Claire said "My dad told me . . . and my friend," eluding to two different people. And in the flash-sideways Christian's body just happens to disappear? Seems weird to me. All I'm saying is that there will be something significant with Christian. That is all. 

Oh and another thing, has anyone else noticed that this season is paralleling season one? Take a look, the pilot was about all of the characters in general, just how LA X was. The second episode was a Kate-centric episode entitled Tabula Rasa (What Kate Did). Then Walkabout with Locke (The Substitute); The White Rabbit with Jack (Lighthouse); then an episode about Jin and Sun called House of the Rising Sun. I haven't read anything regarding the content of next weeks episode, but I guarantee it is going to be about the Kwon's, if it continues to follow this pattern. 

All right, lets get into Jack's alternate/not alternate reality (Damon and Carlton insist that it is not to be called an "alternate reality" because who is to say that either one of the realities are not the original). We start off with Jack changing his clothes in a hurry. He notices something, a scar. Later he asks his mom when he got his appendix take out, as if he didn't remember. This threw up some red flags for me. We know that Juliet removed Jack's appendix on the island in season four, and this scene seemed to be referencing that. But what is the significance? Is it one of those weird deja vu moments that will probably make perfect sense when it is all said and done? Hopefully. Now here's the real kicker of this flash, Jack has a son. This really threw me for a loop. Obviously, Jack did not have a son in previous seasons, so this was a shocker. The question is, who is the mother? Some say Juliet, others have even said Ana Lucia. My first thought was Sarah, Jack's ex-wife in the other world(?). But then I got to thinking about it, what if it was the Italian lady,Gabriela, that kissed Jack in "The Hunting Party?" It's a long shot, I know. But I'll be darn tootin' if they don't look alike. 

It turns out that David is a brilliant piano player and Jack didn't even know it. Good one, dad. There is a heart felt father-son moment and it seems that Jack could actually make a good dad if he tried a little harder. Not much else was revealed, other than Dogen happened to be at the very same recital with his son. Although I was hoping it would be Mr. Miyagi.

Apparently Tic Tac Toe is a good way to pass the time, as we see Hurley and Miles playing it on the island. Don't you guys know that in order to win at Tic Tac Toe, the other person has to be retarded? I thought that was common knowledge. As Hurley and Miles try to find something to eat, Hurley sees a familiar face near the fountain, Jacob. He says that someone is coming to the island (just as his dieing words were, "they're coming") and Hurley needs to help that person find it. After Hurley writes down some directions on his arm, he starts snooping around the temple when he is confronted by Dogen. Hurley tells Dogen that he is a candidate and can basically do whatever he wants. Dogen seems pretty pissed off and mutters something in Japaneses. I wonder what he said? Good thing I have some really nerdy buddies on Lostpedia, because they know. He said, "You are Lucky that you are protected. Because if you were not protected, I would cut your head off." My question is, why does Dogen seem to know all about the candidates while Richard is in the dark? Richard is seeming to be pretty useless these days. He doesn't know anything and no one really knows what he does. I'm am really looking forward for some light to be shed on the whole Richard story. Oh and a lot of people were wondering what it said on Hurley's arm, so I took the time to figure it out. 

Meanwhile, Claire is pulling a 'Jack Nicholson in The Shining' on that poor black Other. Get out while you can Jin! She's obviously gone nuts. Does she not remember that she is the one that left Aaron high and dry three years ago? Apparently not. Also, we find out that her "friend" is the MIB and that they seem to be in cahoots with each other. Claire must be able see MIB for his true from and know it's not Locke.

Hurley convinces Jack to go on an old-school adventure to help Jacob. Along the way they come across the caves they used to live in, way back in season one. Adam and Eve are still kickin' it just like they left them. Hurley plays the voice of the audience like he usually does and says something like "what if we time traveled way back to dinosaur times and these are our bodies?" Throw out the whole 'Adam and Eve are one of the Losties theory,' was the first thing I thought after the scene. I just couldn't see this being the case after Hurley blatantly said it.  But maybe that's what the writers want us to think. I don't know, what do you think?

Their journey takes them to a mysterious Lighthouse that somehow, no one has ever seen. I guess it is a big island, they find new stuff all of the time. In this lighthouse there are some mirrors used to reflect light and guide people to the island, or so they say. Hurley's instructions are to turn the mirrors to 108 degrees. While doing so, Jack sees an image reflected in the mirrors. The first image, as shown below, kind of looks like some sort of Asian building or karate dojo (left). It is uncertain what degree it was on when that image was shown. Jack insist that the mirrors are set to 23 degrees when he sees that his name is written beside it. He then sees the house in which he grew up (right).

Jack smashes the mirrors in a fit of rage. Jacob... what a peeping tom. He deserves to have his mirrors smashed. The one thing I really wanted to know after seeing this was, who was number 108? I really wanted it to be Desmond, that would've been cool if Jacob needed him to replace Locke's number 4 or something like that. But it turned out to be someone named Wallace. Who the heck is Wallace? Do you think it's someone we already know, someone we will meet, or is it irrelevant?  

The scene following this was classic. When Jacob suddenly appears and Hurley is some-what pissed off at him. "Jack broke your lighthouse dude! Mission UN-accomplished!" I laughed for a pretty long time at this scene. The whole dialog was great. I am really enjoying the Hurley/Jacob element to this season. 

Who is David's Mother?
Who is Adam and Eve?
Is the Christian we've been seeing on the island the MIB? 
Is there really someone coming to the island as Jacob said? 
Who is Wallace? 

Tell me what you think about these questions, or tell me some theories of  you own. 

Again, this was a great episode. They are drawing a line in the sand, and there has been a distinct division made. They are portraying Jacob to be the light side; lighthouse, wears light clothes, Etc. and MIB to be the Dark; dark cave, dark clothes, Etc. It seems obvious to me, but I could see the writers pulling the rug out from underneath us and doing the Kansas City Shuffle. Well, Sorry about the late post. This one's been a real doozy. Until next time, I'm Hurley and "I just lied to a samurai."

Comments (3)

yet another great episode with hurley not only giving us great lines, but speaking for the people. Loved how he brought up adam and eve at the caves. Don't bother looking up the info on next weeks episode, lost has gone and made all info disappear on it. i've tried. I know it called sundown, so your idea of a pattern could be right. Also wallace is going to be someone we know, just we didnt know that was there name. Aaron? walt? idk.
Also its good to point out, that jin and sun's image was the temple where they were married, and sawyers was the church, and kates was the store. All places where jacob met them. Jack saw jaoob at the hospital, not his house. So I think "Sheppard" isnt jack, its christian.

There hasn't been too many new clues this season. So I've just been letting it play out. In the end I don't think there will be a clean cut winner. The line in the sand has been made. Now its up to you to choose and suffer the consequences of your actions. Whether you call it fate or manipulation they all have the choice. Kinda philosophical but that is SCIFI and Lost is SCIFI prime-time now that star trek is gone:) So I just sit back and eat popcorn.

I'm not too hung up on the questions, that's what makes the show what it is. I think only a small percentage will enjoy the ending for what it is worth. A lot will be disappointed with the "unanswered questions" like, what was the bird that said Hurley's name? So I agree, the finally isn't going to be a total win situation, it's really going to depend on your attitude.

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